pieces of me
Lite favorit fleetwoodmac man kan lyssna på dom när man vill, fast jag gör det mest när jag plockar & puttar on smink...
Imorgon har jag min sista lektion, sorsligt!
Av någon anledning så tar inte min dator emot bilderna jag tagit eftersom att jag redigerat dom bla bla.. eller vad vet jag!
Iallafall så jag hängde upp mitt arbete på väggen och därifrån får ni se!
Måste säga att jag själv älskar dom
Vi skulle ändock skriva en liten berättelse...här kommer den
Those photos represent me and where I am in my life right now. I shoot two of the pictures so the shadows where showing, in the third one, with a quick look you may think it's a shadow, but it is not. I shoot the pictures myself in my room, using my ceiling light, they were more of a yellow tone from the beginning and I changed it to a green tone.
Photo 1
I wanted this picture to symbolize that I like moving, this is my third year travelling. I took my feet from the stabilized ground, which was home, and the foot is pointing against the right direction which is forward, that's where I'm going, I choose a good path for myself to walk on.
Photo 2
Like opposite magnetism my fingers wont touch. That's how I experience my different personalities sometimes, like fire and water they not always working together, they put each other out. I sometimes feel that it troubles me because I don't understand myself, I think I'm giving other people a hard time to understand me to. But as I meet challenges in my life, good or bad ones, it makes it easier in the end to put those parts together.
Photo 3
Me trying to take in as much as possible, of what is now, I'm letting in the good energies into my life. I wanted to curl my body as a circle, and to include the two other parts into this bigger part of me, which is more like a full body picture, but still there is some parts not showing, means that I have more to tell.
älskar dina bilder..vackert skrivet..stolt mammie!!puss..Love you"
Vilka fina bilder! Är det en fotograf du kommer hem som kanske? Hoppas det är bra med dig, i helgen kommer tjejerna ner och hälsar på och det ska bli kul. Kram kram!
håller med ovanstående. Mycket vackert!
Jag blir så himla imponerad av både dina bilder och din engelska! :)
tack så mycket mina favoritflickor..
ha en mysig helg i malmoeeee....
Du har så mysiga bilder!